The Erring Human®

Books by Captain (Dr.) Samir Kohli, Ph.D.

Capt. Sam has five books in print

"iEsperando...Que Suceda!" Es Ia historia real de una investigación independiente sobre las causas que llevaron al accidente de Air India Express Vuelo IX812, que resultó en Ia pérdida de 158 vidas. Mediante el examen minucioso en el caso del vuelo IX812 y en muchos otros casos tanto de aviación como de otras industrias, este libro explica por qué este tipo de accidentes siguen "iEsperando...Que Suceda!" y cómo se pueden prevenir.

Este es un libro que "Debe Leerse" para todos los viajeros aéreos, y para cualquier persona relacionada con Ia aviación u otra industria de alto riesgo.

"iEsperando...Que Suceda!" fue adjudica con el Premio de la Publicación Cecil A. Brownlow, por su significativa contribución periodística a la seguridad aviatoria, en el año 2014 por la Fundación de Seguridad de Vuelos que es una ONG cuya base se encuentra en Estados Unidos.

El libro está disponible en en versión rústica y Kindle y se puede encontrar en este enlace.

Into Oblivion: Undertanding MH370

'Into Oblivion' presents a comprehensive scientific evaluation of each and every theory regarding the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight #MH370. While this book doesn't speculate about how and why the flight was lost, it scientifically interprets whatever little evidence is available at this time. An explanation of the scientific basis of the search techniques and methodology has also been provided in this book. 'Into Oblivion' therefore seeks not to sensationalize or speculate but only to inform and educate by sifting fact from fiction. 'Into Oblivion' is a must-read for all those intrigued by the sudden and as yet unexplained disappearance of #MH370.

This book does not tell you what happened to MH370. If you seek a book that explains what happened to the flight, then this is not the book for you. At the time of writing there is insufficient evidence to arrive at any conclusion regarding what actually happened to MH370.

This book merely states the facts, without any speculation, and explains how they should be interpreted based on the available scientific and historical data.

The book is available on in Paperback and Kindle versions and can be found at this link.

I, Human: Understanding the Man - Man Interface

Who am I? This question has defied answer since time immemorial! World famous psychologists and scientists have tried to find an answer to this question without success.

In fact, you know me very well. You meet me daily, live with me, work with me, work for me, supervise me, make me work for you; and my mistakes cause disasters, in which you and I perish!

You meet me as a father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, friend, lover, employer, employee… the list is endless. No venture or activity can ever be accomplished without me. You need me. You cannot get anything done without me. It is I with whom you want a relationship; who creates the greatest love story or heartbreak; makes any undertaking a success or a failure; is the single largest cost item in any company’s balance sheet; and matters the most in any activity.

Yet, I am least understood and cared! Your inability to understand me leads to most of the organizational and interpersonal problems, even accidents and disasters, in the world today. Disasters, in relationships – between families, friends, colleagues and lovers; in work-place interactions leading to organizational conflicts; in development or implementation of policies, procedures or processes I cannot be relied upon to follow, leading to accidents; these result from your inability to understand me.

I cannot be managed or controlled. I can only be led, motivated, mentored and developed. Love me, or hate me, you cannot live without me! You got me and the sooner you understand me, the better will it be for both of us!

I am a human, and this… is my story. 

The book is available on in Paperback and Kindle versions and can be found at this link.

Panorama De La Vida: Poesía en versos libres

A book of Poetry in Spanish published under pseudonym Quiteño

Libro de poesías en versos libres, es una compilación de ciertas poesías escritas durante 30 años y nació de la necesidad de exponer sentimientos muy fuertes vividos a través de experiencias buenas y malas. En su mayoría, y de manera indirecta, han sido dedicados a mi mismo con el fin de ayudarme a exteriorizar pensamientos, y no ahogarme en ellos, luego de perder a mi familia en un trágico suceso. Estos poemas representan mi viaje por la vida, mis pensamientos y convicciones. Además mi esfuerzo por sobrevivir y motivarme para re-inventarme y seguir adelante. Estos versos libres han sido escritos en cinco diferentes idiomas y ahora he traducido al español como parte de mi empeño en aprender otro idioma.

El libro está disponible en en versión rústica y Kindle y se puede encontrar en este enlace.

Winner of the prestigious Cecil A. Brownlow Publication Award for 2014, awarded by the Flight Safety Foundation, for significant contributions by journalists to aviation safety awareness, this is a true story. All the incidents and events depicted herein, are dramatizations of actual events that have occurred and are based on official investigation reports issued by the relevant government authorities for information, and use of the public.

Through laser focus on the Accident to Flight IX812, and also discussing many other major and minor accidents in Aviation and other high-risk industries, the book covers a lot of ground into Human Factors. It explains why humans err, and how to classify the errors. It goes on to explain how to manage behavioral changes when they become necessary.

The readers will be able to use the information contained herein to remain safe and ensure that accidents do not happen, but only remain Waiting … To Happen!

The book is available on in Paperback and Kindle versions and can be found at this link.

Waiting...To Happen!

Awarded Cecil A Brownlow Publication Award by the Flight Safety Foundation

Esperando...¡Que Suceda!

Spanish Translation of "Waiting...To Happen!"